Pardon me while I go reread....again.

Jul 05, 2005 21:13

Guh! I found this and...uh. Woah. Wow. I'm stunned. And I think I'll give you the rec now before I confuse you even more....

Burning Pearls by Kiro

The writing is solid. The goal of the story, fulfilled. Excuse me while I go back to read this again....

Summary: Gaiden ends, but what happens just after the final curtain?
Rating: PG
Notes: excerpts from Journey to the West are included at the end of the story.

I'm currently watching X/1999 as loaned to me from Alex. *bows humbly* I've gotten halfway through it I loved the movie but this is even more complex and wonderful.

However, how in the hell does Kaumi (yeah, I know I'm not spelling his name right at walk and run and jump on those toothpick skinny legs of his???????? @_@ I'm mean, really. He's got these (and remember, this guy is considered a shrimp) HUGE broad shoulders, the typical inverted triangle torso and these super duper uber looooooooong let-me-compete-with-a-toothpick-in-thinness skinny legs. Argh?!

And, lets just not get D started on the slash --

no, not hints, those moments are way too blatant to be considered, what, then?

Epiphanies. Yeah. That's a good word.

And, lets just not get D started on the slash epiphanies. *passes out from slash overload*

*twitch* Can only... *twitch* handle *twitch* ... so... *twitch* much. *goes limp*



random, fics, saiyuki, blabbing, recs

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