[Rec] “Anything” by Sin Acies

Jan 07, 2008 22:26

Title: It’s both here: Anything and here: Anything
Author: Sin Acies, who doesn’t have an LJ I know of, but who has a ff.net profile here
Pairing: Aya/Yohji
Rating: T
Status: Complete.
Spoilers: None really.
Summary (Author’s): When Yohji is given an impossible chance, how far will he go to prove his love for Aya?

Read this because: It may not, technically, be in this week’s theme, but … Oh, it has one of the boys getting hurt. And it has one of the boys caring for the other-but in a completely unexpected way. I am rec’cing it anyway. This story is AU, and may even be a little OOC, but it is powerful, angst-ridden, and made me ache --especially because it’s Yohji, and because he’s the one who, of them all, has only ever wanted to forget.

theme: reccer's choice, pairing: aya/youji, pairing: youji/aya

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