Okay, don't smack me too much (you know how much I like it anyway), but I just thought I would put out the word.
So here it is:
HopeForlorn.net is looking for Het Crashers Fanfiction. Oh, and we'll take Gen, Yaoi and Shounen Ai too! For the love of (fill in the blank), we are BEGGING you! ^_^ On our knees...
I know that some of you write, and that you write well...so, why not help us fill our Crashers fanfiction archive? Don't be shy...we don't bite...hard. ^_~ It can be archived elsewhere, we don't mind...we are just trying to help our Crashers fans find their fix! ::cough::Knight::cough::we just can't get enough Knight!
Also, you artists out there? Yeah, I'm talking to you. Wanna help fill our Crashers Gallery? Fan Art of the Crashers or any Crasher member (forget I said that...dirty mind) is accepted.
Fanfiction can be submitted to
yohji@hopeforlorn.net Fan art can be attached to an email or place in the body of one and shipped off to
nagi@hopeforlorn.net And thanks so much for considering us!