May 11, 2011 23:41
It was a faerie tale told by me,
a love story i though could be.
Stuck in your castle for all time,
i came to save you and make you mine.
I fought past dragons, i slayed beasts,
I was so sure i had you, i would'nt miss.
Longing to see you waiting at the door,
I barged through the front, like an angry Thor.
I was struck with horror, for what did i find?
You were already gone, all that remained was a sign..
"Lead a better life, where you'll be happy.
I love you forever, but we'll never marry."
I crashed to the floor with tears in my eyes,
why girl why do you have to tell lies?
Back to square one thats where i'll stand,
i have stopped being a boy now im a man.
My heart is thorn, im beaten and broken,
But never alone, unloved or forsaken.
I hope that if you can hear me out there,
you'll always be my princess i loved you i swear.