Crosspst from Myspace with additional info which will be added

Aug 05, 2009 10:28

Original post:
Never Say Die!

Twenty minutes may not seem like much to most, but to me?
Twenty minutes of my therapy session today were spent on my feet...
Standing tall.  That's right, standing on my feet.
Nothing is impossible if you want it bad enough.  Granted, it hurt, and my quadraceps locked, and I'll pay double tommorrow, but I am proud.
I did what I set out to do, and this should count as the progress my insurance needs to approve more sessions.  I can feel the pain in my knees and hamstrings.
I'm not done yet, my next goal is the parallell bars
And this time?  My shorts didn't fall
Hail Progress!
Hail the Will To Power!
Hail Satan!

Having slept since this was posted, I have deeper thoughts on the matter that I could not post yesterday, as I was worn out from the process.
I can feel the muscles in my legs wanting to be worked more, and harder, but I see the danger in this, not only of the ego trap, but the Satanic Sin of pretentiousness.
Everything in due time, and I'm not going to go into eveything that's going on beyond saying that I'll be busy for awhile on projects,and living life.
One thing I will say is that considering a recent development, I really have my life situated where I want it, and others have begun to notice as well.  I will be posting less, but each post will have more to say.
As a side note, I still feel detached, but the conversations lately I've been sharing have made me realize, in a good way, that I can be accepted for the asshole that I am ;)
Until next time.....
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