Mar 30, 2006 21:52
There is nothing more frustrating then when you have actually spent a decent little chunk of cash on a system/laptop and to have it just up and die one day.
In this case, It was my iBook!!! I was totally pissed for about 4 days. Then, After leaving it unplugged for about 2 days (after trying every thing I knew) just to get pissed off it still didnt work. All that would happen was it would start to turn on, the screen would go from the dark dark green to a black and then the fan would kick on HIGH. So, After much toying and getting pissed off that the laptop I paid $1200 for was just not working. So, I was pushing down on the palm rest and it actually booted up! Well, it started to. When I pulled my hand off the plam rest it stopped working again, just went to a black screen. So I turned it off and tried again, Applying pressure to the palm rest again. Got it to boot all the way up.
Now after reading arround, I read about people using C-Clamps to make there iBooks suffering the same symptoms work when they were at there desks. Well, I applied some serious pressure where people had used the c-clamps and now it works. I'm very happy. It's my little iBook, I think it was just jealous of my new PC. But we'll get through it :-P