(no subject)

Jun 03, 2005 23:26

From silvertree

Not because you have to, but because you WANT to! Things you enjoy, even when no one around you wants to go out and play. What lowers your stress/blood pressure/anxiety level? Make a list, post it to your journal... and then tag 5 friends and ask them to post it to theirs.

1. Sleep or attempt to
2. A long bath with a good book (since its lower blood pressure can't say good women can I ?)
3. Devestate a few AI with 21 Ion cannons in generals zero hour - I'm the evil bugger who builds loads of defence and loads of money making things then tons of powerstations and then ion cannons while using the almost always regenerating cannons to take out enemy superweapons :p
4. Watch some sci-fi
5. If I'm feeling sentimental then I'll watch romeo and juleir (the only leonardo de capriano or however you spell his name film I like other than critters 3 :p )

ok I tag:

I'll update properly later on tired and feel like bed - ntie ntie all
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