Sep 01, 2010 19:29
Guys. This may go without saying, but for my sanity and my burgeoning (nonexistent) academic reputation, please DO NOT crosspost any comments you make on this journal to Facebook. Like many others, I do not want my private, fannish life and my public one intermingling. I will be spending the next two years networking, sweet-talking, and attemtping to win friends and influence people. You know what's not going to aid me in those endeavors? Nationporn. Bitching about politics. Overpowering dorkiness. All things which a person will find if they are crossposted to my journal.
Just don't do it, okay? And you will avoid my having to become Unpleasant at you.
We will also avoid forcing me to live as a stylite as a way of escaping my shame.
real life doesn't mix with anything,
a sweet stylos all my own,
just be cool