Things That Make Me Happy. (Plus Crippling Self-Doubt, For Flavor!)

Jun 10, 2010 19:27


1) I have just received the syllabus for the Art History Class I am taking at Cambridge, entitled "Man-Eating Monsters and Marvel-Filled Maps." (The professor is apparently fond of hyphens.) Our first reading--our first reading--is entitled "Jerusalem As A Multitext, Text, and Territory."

I am swooning, a little.

Later, there will be a lecture called "Mouths and Meaning: An Anti-Iconography" and oh God, leaving medieval art in favor of medieval literature in a few years is going to hurt.

2) Leaving for California tomorrow morning with my brother and sister. The next several days promise to be full of beach-bumming, Chinatown, and my desperate attempts not to gain five vacation pounds.

3) There is a dress. I have just ordered it, and it looks like this.

Add tights, boots, and a trench, and hel-lo, summer in England.


Goodness, I appear to have gone half the post without mentioning the crippling self-doubt of the title. I'll spare you the details, but I have not been feeling especially secure in myself or my writing abilites lately, and so I'd rather have you tell me what you'd like to read, instead of trying to puzzle out what I want to write. Each option on the poll is a fic on which I've made progress, but-- Yeah. Just. Choose for me. Please.

Poll I Have Somehow Convinced Myself That You Care One Way Or The Other.


he's not dead, never quite polished enough, gondor calls for aid, fic

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