"I Awoke This Morning To An Empty Sky"

Dec 28, 2009 16:30

Just got kicked in the teeth by university bureaucracy. And for once, it's not a result of my own fuckups. Somebody in the registrar's office bungled my transcripts and now I'm trapped in a weird limbo of having my application in at school, but still being technically too late to apply. Hello, semester of waitressing and online classes.

I hate that this is entirely out of my control, and yet here I am, feeling like a talentless hack with insanely specialized intelligence who's never going to see the inside of a graduate program, let alone a PHD overseas. I'm fucking washed up, and I'm not even nineteen and a half yet.

Yeah, I know, cry moar, but seriously.

God damn it.


college, shame, epic fail, emily demands an explanation for this bs

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