Reverse Request Meme

Aug 05, 2009 13:52

I basically pinkie swore to do this after filling a request for pyrrhiccomedy. Don't know if anyone's going to fill anything, but whatev. Let's do this sucker!

Like a kink meme and a request post put together, this is a reverse request meme. Take ten things you really want to see either fanart or fanfic of (don't be greedy, only ten or less!) and then see if anyone on your flist would fill them for you. Have them put their requests on their LJ and fill something for them!

Multiple fills are okay a million times over. ♥

1) Ancient Rome/Germania. Like, not even joking. The history geek in me ships this like burning. I'd love to see something about the Roman conquest of Germania in the years spanning 12 to 6 AD. If you wanna throw some sex in there, great, but I really just want to see lolhistory-ness.

Filled here by lindensphinx. This wasn't written specifically for this meme, but it rocks, so I'm pimping it regardless.

2) Canada and America just being brothers. I mean, yeah, America can be a dick, and Canada's hella passive-aggressive, but I really think they have a good relationship, when you get right down to it. Anyway, I think a conversation arguing the superiority of baseball or hockey would be pretty much the greatest thing ever.

Filled here by makeshift_6

3) Any nation's relationship with one of their writers. It can be romantic, platonic, purely sexual (we all know what a devil that Emily Dickinson was, eh?), I don't care. But you do get points for not going with the obvious choices: England/Shakespeare, America/Twain, Russia/Tolstoy, etc.

Filled here by ryoku_chan, and here by zesquivailence

4) Guys...I want to meet Antartica. So bad. I know he's not really a nation, but God, all the other nations have a stake in him, and he'd be, like, just this kid with a million neurotic step-parents. Freaking hilarity, right here. Or you can make it angsty, I don't mind.

Filled here by pyrrhiccomedy.

5) Russia/Prussia. After the Berlin Wall goes up. Because the more I think about this, the more I think that this pairing is totally creepy, hatesexy canon.

6) America fangirling hard over the Beatles. Go crazy.

7) I'd love to see something on Ukraine and Belarus' feelings about their brother. I don't care when. It can be when they were children, during the rise of the Soviet Union, the time of the Tsars, whatever. (If you can't tell yet, I'm kind of a sucker for sibling relationships.)

8) Wow, America, you look like shit. Covered in mud, lost your glasses, and--I'm not even going to ask what happened to your jeans. You enjoyed Woodstock, I take it? Tell me all about it.

9) France reflecting on the guillotine during the Reign of Terror. Feel free to play with that however you want.

Filled here by ghostofthemotif

10) FOR ARTISTS: Okay, confession time. I'm kind of a clothes whore. And I'd love to see Russia and America in casual clothes. No bomber jacket, no overcoat, just normal clothes. In my headcanon, America dresses quite well, and when you manage to get Russia in jeans, he totally rocks them. So yeah. And yes, I'm totally aware how blatantly I'm stealing this prompt from pyrrhiccomedy. She is my better half, after all.

Filled here by erueru_2d



meme, axis powers hetalia, fandom

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