In Which I Fail In The Areas Of Cooking, Balance, and Animal Husbandry.

Jul 03, 2009 00:23

According to my horde of Italian aunts, I will "never find a nice boy" if I don't know how to make a solid pasta carbonara. The fact that I'm not really into eggs (or boys, for that matter) is, apparently, not a problem. So this evening, I got a chance to practice on the aforementioned dish ( Read more... )

chicken's unmentionables, fail, culinary delights

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dmajor7th July 5 2009, 13:58:35 UTC
According to my horde of Italian aunts, I will "never find a nice boy" if I don't know how to make a solid pasta carbonara. The fact that I'm not really into eggs (or boys, for that matter) is, apparently, not a problem.

Ok, with the exchange of cooking carbonara for being demure (I am a good cook with no manners) THIS IS EXACTLY THE CONVERSATION I'VE HAD WITH MY DAD, LIKE, 80 TIMES NAO.

[that is to say, "You'll never find a nice boy if you don't do X, Y and Z". And basically change who you are as a person.]

I feel your pain. *thumps chest in solidarity*


wizzard890 July 5 2009, 16:22:51 UTC
Represent. XD

I was this close to asking them that if, since nice Italian boys were helpless against the power of carbonara, nice Italian girls were fans of lasagna. Because, like, I can make that.


dmajor7th July 5 2009, 17:10:27 UTC
Oh? Are they...?

*Most certainly does not go off to buy minced beef and pasta sheets. Perish the thought...*


wizzard890 July 5 2009, 19:04:15 UTC
Careful there, champ. After all, I'm a nice Italian girl. (Although the "nice" bit is slightly debatable) You don't want me showing up on your doorstep looking for dinner, do you? XD


dmajor7th July 5 2009, 20:31:24 UTC
I'm a good cook! I love to cook for others. I'd love it if you did. :D

Also, that would be some extreme courtship, making you either extremely irresistible or extremely creepy. Depended on what you thought of my lasagna skillz.

And I've always had a thing for Nice Italian Girls...


wizzard890 July 5 2009, 20:54:32 UTC
The "e" in "Emily" also stands for EXTREME. So that's okay. XD

I don't blame you. We're a sexy bunch.


dmajor7th July 5 2009, 21:08:39 UTC
Well come on over then!

Or are you waiting for me to get my arse down to Arizona? XD


wizzard890 July 5 2009, 23:14:47 UTC
Well, I'm still going to be here when you're in the States, so if you get a hankering to see the Grand Canyon or something (only an hour from my campus), drop on by. We could take the bus up and make a day of it. :)

Look at me and my sneaky strike-throughs. XD


dmajor7th July 6 2009, 08:30:59 UTC
Ooo, Ninja strike thorough Japan does not approve.

Well I'm trying to figure out what to do with my December. See, I reckon if I'm going to the USA over winter, then I should probably spend the coldest months sheltering w' y'all down in the bottom half of the country Heh, Alfred's ass

Was thinking December in Texas... you're in AZ, right? I could do AZ. If there's fun stuff. I guess I should see the Canyon...


wizzard890 July 6 2009, 09:07:03 UTC
December in Texas? Take my advice and hole up in Austin. Great city, and the weather's fantastic. There's always some kind of party going on.

If you want honestly, my dear, then I feel obligated to inform you that AZ is hella boring unless you like the outdoors. Like. Hiking and shit. If you're passing through on your way to Cali (which I assume you'll want to see at some point), then definitely take a day to see the GC, the mountains, etc. But if you're not on your way to somewhere else, I'd definitely skip the whole state.


dmajor7th July 6 2009, 09:12:06 UTC
Heh. Well I'm considering Texas as I have an Uncle there. Plus I'd be interested to see how the 'Deep South rootin' tootin' caaaboy' stereotype holds up.

I'll be 'hiking and shit' in New England. Maybe I could also do in AZ (I need free accommodation, and nothin' better than a tent in a forest!)

But you really recommend GC? I feel it is something I should visit. If you'd like to go together, that would be super cool. :D


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