A Spacial Quandary. Also A To-Do List.

May 06, 2009 15:00

I'm not much for video games. They were utterly discouraged in my house when I was growing up, and now that I'm living on my own, I'd rather read a book. Still, I can't help but feel that if I'd played Tetris when I was Skinny, Freckled, Little!Emily, this entire day would have gone a bit more smoothly.

For today is moving day, and I've just spent the past six hours packing up all the shit in my dorm. I was making damn good time, actually...until I turned to my closet.

Now, I have the exact same amount of clothing today as I did when I came up here. The only misguided purchase I made this year was a plunging-neckline top that I'd planned to wear for my friend's bachelorette party. Unfortunately, it had been designed for a girl with a rather more, um, willowy figure than I myself possess. Long story short, I looked like a barmaid. It was bad.

Anyway, other than that, my wardrobe has remained in stasis, awaiting the day I have a steady income again. So I don't understand how it doesn't FIT. Same box, same clothes...Ugh. Putting stuff in giant things of Tupperware shouldn't be this headache-inducing.

To-Do List. Of Awesome.

Real Life

-Finish packing before 6:30 this evening.

-Try to scrub the lyrics to Tangled Up In Blue off your mirror. The college will charge you.

-Go on a Ben & Jerry's run. Oh ho ho yes.

-Sell back books, cross fingers, hope they don't shank you like last time. Because I really fucking wanted to keep the collected works of Anna Swir.

-Fangirl over LOST at 8:00 sharp.

Concerning England

-Figure out what the weather is like, and dress hotly accordingly.

-Tell the bank I'll be traveling abroad.

-Buy a large, spiral-bound notebook for the purpose of recording sudden inspiration. And, um, fic.


-You know the Bolsheviks and shit? Yeah. That.

-William Blake + England.

-Shameless Israel/Babylon femmeslash. Aaannd, I only just noticed that they're both OCs...Goddammit. Cameos from legit characters will be forthcoming.

-Birthday present for the greatness that is pyrrhiccomedy.

-Also, try to prepare for the withdrawal symptoms that will arise upon my being deprived of the Internet for a month.

All right, no more procrastinating. *goes back to pondering the impossibility that is her dorm closet*


schrodinger's closet, college, lists

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