Loved the newest batch of Watchmen posters, by the way. The Comedian wins at life. But all is not well in Geekdom. Indeed, the kingdom is wracked with strife over the newest trailer for this sure-to-be-epic film. I'm not going to go into the whole Squidergate thing again, however I do want to go over several things I found...disagreeable.
Aspects Of The Latest Watchmen Trailer That Emily Found Rather Perturbing.
1) They refer to the Crimebusters as the Watchmen. Kind of a nitpicky thing, but I feel like that's not having enough faith in your audience to make the connection. Hopefully the lines will be ditched in the final cut of the film.
2) Rorschach sounded very similar to Christian Bale's Batman. Now, Haley nailed the way I've always heard everyone's favorite inkblot in my head, but I'm afraid that other people will think his performance is derivative.
3) Please, please, please don't make Veidt a dick. I'm totally seriouslah right now, guys. It can't be so blatantly obvious that he's The Bad Guy, and it's canon that he's actually a pretty nice person. He's got the kind of personality that draws everybody to him, makes people admire him. So I would be greatly appreciative if he escaped from the film with some of those factors intact. After all, you have to be able to sympathize with him if you want the ending to have any wieght.
4) I'm not sure how I feel about Dr. Manhattan's voice. I imagined it would be more monotone, robotic. But I guess he was once a man, too. It may be more chilling to hear those facts and figures about humanity rattled off by a voice that could belong to your next door neighbor. We shall see.
5) Slow-mo. I've said it once, I'll say it a thousand times. Don't overdo it, Snyder!
6) Veidt's costume is utter fail.
But since I don't want to end things on a downer, let me say that I'm still totally psyched about this movie. Rorschach's batshit-crazy line delivery makes me a happy panda, the CG is glorious, the Comedian manages to be a pimp even while being ambushed in his own home, and the level of detail and faithfulness to the comic's visuals is amazing.
Also, I think I'm falling in love with Laurie. Here's one of the new posters. Doesn't her ass-I mean, her costume look wicked?