"One Thousand Dollars And One Penny!"

Oct 24, 2008 00:35

Dwight. Dwight, Dwight, Dwight. You poor son of a bitch.

Tonight's Best (Well, Plot-Furthering And Such) Office Moments

4) Oscar melting down when his laptop was taken. Sometimes I think he's the only sane person in the entire show. I'll make an exception for Jim from time to time, but after tonight? Yeah. I think Halpert is starting to lose it?

3) Pam is starting to bother me. I mean, sure, she's getting the whole "college experience" for the first time in her life, but you know what? This is my maiden voyage at Uni, so to speak, and I'm not regressing into a bubbly idiot. She needs to get her act together before she drunkenly makes out with her bi-curious (oh, you know he is) friend with the scarf. Jim wouldn't take that well. Not at all.

2) Dwight describing Andy as a "singing buffoon." Made my night.

1) I tend to put Creed in this spot on my mental list pretty damn often, and can you blame me? Following up last week's disgusting (and frankly, brilliant) "Omaha Beach" comment was going to be hard, but those writers came through! I love any mention of Creed's sordid past, and his rambling story about how he disappeared years ago after pissing himself off was golden.


tv shows, the office, lists

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