Modern programming is primarily text because that’s what a keyboard affords us. We could use a mouse for freeform input, but that’s too painful in my experience. With a pen and paper, we are afforded full use of graphs, diagrams, arrows, functional curves, sketches (e.g. of characters, world maps, interactions), of ad-hoc mathematical symbology, etc.
This is a freedom that I love in my note taking, when I’m actually thinking about ideas. I’m that person who buys composition books and handfuls of pens and just wanders off to a park or restaurant. I often find it difficult to shift back to rigid program text.
I like scratch space. I scratch notes in margins. I connect ideas together. I’m not fond of structured editors. But this notion of an “unstructured” edit space that happens to represent a structured virtual program object (achieved via clarifications and constraints) appeals to me greatly.
http://awelonblue.wordpress.com/2012/10/26/ubiquitous-programming-with-pen-and-paper/ собственно говоря, ровно по этой причине я люблю OneNote, rich text и индуктивные (не резистивные) тачскрины со стилусом.
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