Nov 08, 2011 21:09
You have the right to life. But not the right to have me support you.
You have the right to liberty. Sometimes your only liberty is to die in its defense.
You have the right to pursue happiness. But not the right to happiness at anyone else's expense.
You have the right to free practice of religion. But not the right to mess with my free practice of religion.
These are inalienable: I cannot stop you from exercising them.
You have the right to free speech. But not the right to be obnoxious.
You have the right to bear arms. But not the right to shoot anyone.
You have the right to not incriminate yourself. But not the right to never be indicted by evidence you provide, either in passing or in private.
And then there are "rights" which are procedure:
Trial by Jury
Habeus corpus.
These rights are there by convention of society. The maintenance of that society should be paramount to anyone who values them. Many people, though, are using these rights to undermine the very society which guarantees them. I find this deplorable, but will defend your right to do so.
Then there are the "rights" that socialists think you have, but which are actually just pursuit of happiness.
right to work - but really, not a job
right to education - but really, only pursuit of it
right to peace - but really, only by destruction of enemies
right to housing - but really, only if you can afford it
Your economic "rights" end at the establishment of a level playing field - the moment you go past that - minimum wage, public funded education, project homes, whatever - you are STEALING from the productive.