Jan 29, 2009 17:10
So, I asked the prof who is supposed to be doing GEO 140 next quarter if I would be able to take his class without the pre-req...and he says it's not going to be taught anyway.
Great...According to the 2006-2007 graduation requirements, I need 140, 144 or 145...none of them will be offered next quarter, and the next chance would be a year from now. However, I noticed in the schedule a new class 147: ACTIVE TECTONICS & REMOTE SENSING, which only requires GEO 115 (geologic maps and landforms, a class I did well in). This class fits the "geophysics" requirement, and is listed as a 2008-2009 requirement with 140, 144, 145, 146 or 147.
So, I asked my advisor (the "ass-hole") if I could substitute GEO 147 for one of the other classes, and he said yes! w00t! So, maybe he's only an insincere bastard, and not all around evil.
This means (assuming the classes with TBA for class days/time) I will be taking Physics 40C: Electricity and Magnetism, GEO 118: Sedimentology and Stratigraphy, and GEO 147: Active Tectonics and Remote Sensing. And then I can take my year off to work and raise money for my field work units...and then...I may FINALLY have a "4-year" degree...9 years after graduating from high school. X'D