(no subject)

Jan 12, 2023 23:51

1. Tonkatsu curry rice at Porker! I am forever impressed by how the Japanese manage to deep-fry porkchops yet manage to keep the meat tender and moist. The Chinese have not managed this so far.

2. My friend received a job offer from an accountancy firm whose office is in the building right next to mine. She’d have to make a huge, intercontinental move if she takes it up, but I’d be delighted if she moved back to HK and we could see each other more often than once every 3 years. (That said another high school classmate of mine allegedly works a couple floors above me in the same building and I’ve never seen her once in the last 8 years I’ve worked here.)

3. Almost forgot the 1st instalment of my tax is due and managed to pay it before the deadline.

BAD things about today:

1. Got shouted at for 20 minutes by a moronic client who won’t listen to advice. (Happens almost everyday.)

2. Asked my boss whether it’s likely the firm would let me take a sabbatical for a few months and was met with a less than encouraging response.

3. Paid my tax so it’s like I didn’t get a salary for all last month plus half of November.
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