(no subject)

Mar 09, 2010 00:30

Thanks to annapie and ourbedrooms, I can't stop looking at pictures of other people's houses. Somehow after a lot of clicking, I found myself on Flickr, looking at a picture of a bright yellow wall lined with white shelves that are crammed with books, and I thought, I must have a wall like this. Someday. When my parents are dead and can't object to the yellow walls.

Yeah, I gave up on the post-a-day thing.

I'm quite concerned about Lorelai's prospects over in the Fandom Steel Cage Match. While I was initially glad that she was kicking some ass this stage, a quick look made me realize that she will most likely have her tight, firm ass kicked by Dexter in the next round. Woes. I cannot have that. PLEASE VOTE LORELAI.

C'est tout.

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