Oct 01, 2006 19:09
ok.. I had a revelation sitting on the couch watching the tv on mute cos dad's waiting for the football game to come on, but is on the phone talking with my uncle!
ok, so, as a bunch of commercials ran past my eyes in a haze, I realized just how many food commercials there are and just how many of them (same as were food commecials) were for unhealthful food choices..
I personally can stand to lose a lot of fat.. and I think most of the peple I know are overweight (not necessarily considered fat) but overweight (even if by ten lbs)
so, here's my idea!:
- everything you eat, record and post in live journal so we can share with each other..
- eat only recommended portions and only at mealtimes (three times a day) include one serving of fruit/vegetable, one serving of starch and one serving of protien... if you need healthful ideas, give me a ring..
- if you see or hear an advertisement for it anywhere, do not eat it. chances are, it's unhealthful..
- if you wish to drink juice, drink 100% juices only.. no juice drinks or coctails.. (they contain too much sugar and are not natural)
- stay away from soda (even diet) and you'll see a dramatic change in weight..
- don't follow any of the "fad" diets as they always take away a vital part of balanced nutrition... even a slice of pie or bowl of ice cream is ok after dinner.. but remember.. portion control!
if you want to particpate, just post your daily eatings.. I'm starting first thing tonight with dinner:
one serving size of beef stew (about one cup), a glass of water (eight oz) , one biscuit, and a banana for desert.