Updates and stuff...

Feb 28, 2011 11:16


I wanted to give everyone a quick "State of the Union" on the comic, where we are, and some things you can all do to help.  First off, traffic-wise we're doing really well.  We're closing in on 3 million visits and 14 million views, which is amazing for a 9 month old comic.  Of COURSE we could ALWAYS use your help in spreading the word, and many of you are.  For that you have our thanks.

But I've noticed that as we gain more and more new readers that there's a large disparity between our TRAFFIC and our ad serves.  We make money primarily from advertising.  Now, what we're finding out is that apparently, a large number of readers are using ad-blocking software when reading our comic.  This is greatly impacting our revenue.

I can understand the desire to block ads.  I run the software myself on Firefox, because I've been hit MANY times with viruses from ads on non-trusted sites.  BUT, because I'm also a Webcomics reader and know how these things work, I alway set them to DISABLE my ad-blocking software on Webcomics.  That way the comics I read can make some money from my visit.  It's my way of helping support them.

Now, I'm not demanding you guys do this.  I'm not going to take technical steps to force you to, either.  I am just going to make you aware of this and let you do as your conscience dictates.  If you think the work we and other Webcomics creators do has value to you, then please do click DISABLE on our sites.  It's usually a one-time setting.  I apologize if this slightly delays load times, but you will notice that I set our comics and navigation to load FIRST.  So it shouldn't impact your ability to read and enjoy the comic.  Thank you for your continued

As some of you know, we launched TEAM SURAS or TEAM KRONOS last week as an INTERACTIVE area where you can speak directly with the crew of the Ulympea, role-play, create your own persona, and other cool stuff...

And BOY did you guys respond!  The DISCUSSION boards are live with activity WAY beyond what I anticipated.  Unfortunately my ability to post has been hampered by my local cable modem provider having a glitch that's giving Facebook fits on certain areas.

Which leads me to a thought.  I'm considering opening up moderator rights to some people who prove they have what it takes to roleplay characters in our universe well.  I will determine these based on discussions with those of you interested in taking on a character and helping run things in case I am ever absent due to technical issues or (for instance) like if I happen to be out at conventions.  So let's discuss and I hope you continue joining and enjoying the areas.  It has been awesome.


Okay, this falls under the "Better late than never" category.  One of the very first images (and possibly most-often requested) we have asked for as a Wallpaper is our FIRST ISSUE group shot from the last page.  And so I'm finally (for a limited time) using this as a new Wallpaper for a vote incentive over at TopWebcomics.  So now you can stop nagging me (if you hurry up and vote).  Be sure to download it before it's gone THIS WEEK.


EASILY the hottest guest pin-up yet by Russell Platt graced our pages this past Sunday.  I've been advertising on his site for some time, because it's simply THAT good.  I'm a big fan of his work, so after you check out his own sizzling work featuring one of our fan-favorite characters, you'll likely become a fan yourself.

For more of his sketches he updates daily... go over to his site at RussellPlatt-Art.com and browse through his selection of very sexy women and other comics work.

Issue #2 is here, and in their search for a new office for their new company, they encounter a poltergeist intent on ripping off their clothes.  Seriously.

You HAVE to start reading this title, featuring the titillating artwork of comic veteran, AL RIO updating every Monday through Friday (with a bonus on Sunday).  Each issue deals with a different "secret menace" to the modern world, and it's a sexy mix of X-Files and Charlie's Angels.  So head on over and give it a read!


Now's a good time to jump into the action of Shockwave Darkside.  We're wrapping up this issue with more adventure, explosions and Sci-Fi goody goodness than you can imagine!!!

Shockwave Darkside is the webcomic book prequel to the upcoming shot-in-3D feature film by the same name. Like its counterpart it is presented in 2D and anaglyphic 3D as well. It's a science fiction comic set in the future and follows the last great war of mankind... set on the surface of the moon. Two warring factions, the "godless" Unlight and the religious "Banished" as they battle each other for the dwindling resources they both desire, orbiting a dead earth.

What was your favourite comic of 2010? Which artists and writers really grabbed your attention? Nominations open on Friday 4 February and run until 7 March for the world-famous Eagle Awards, so head on over to www.eagleawards.co.uk to make your voice heard!

The top five nominations in each section will then be verified and voting gets underway on 14 March - let us know who you want to see honoured on the big night of 27 May at the London MCM Expo by picking your favourites of 2010.

We're nominated for several categories (thanks) but if we want to make the top five, that's entirely up to you guys.

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