Who : Romilda, Harry & Daphne.
When : August 21st - early afternoon
Where : bathroom
Rating : PG for innuendo's about wet shirts?
Summary : Romilda attempts to fix the bathroom, gets some help of Harry and then Daphne comes to claim the shower.
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"What's the problem?" Harry asked, stepping up to her and putting his hand on the towel instead, since she seemed to have some problems in doing that.
"I found the problem with the plumbing. There's a piece missing." Romilda shivered slightly from the cold water, stepping back to turn off the water again. She shook her head, spraying droplets of water everywhere. "Can you see what shape it is, Harry? I'm too small..."
"I think it's the connecting piece, so it must be round," he replied as soon as he had finished inspecting it.
She tapped it with her wand and transfigured it into a connecting piece as she knew it from her own miserable apartment plumbing. "Like this?"
"Try turning on the water again," he said as soon as he was done, taking a step back so that he wouldn't receive the whole amount of water should the fixing not have done its job.
The transfigured piece seemed to hold and she grinned a little. "There. That should do for now. I hope, at least." She wrung out the front of her shirt, which was still clinging to her body.
"I hope so too, I am not interested in repairing this every day," Harry said.
"Err... Harry?" She began again, her tone dropping a little. "Look, I'm sorry about that love potion back at Hogwarts... It was stupid and I know I should have known better, but..."
"Apology accepted. After all, we all do stupid things when we're young," Harry replied, remembering all the things he had done at Hogwarts as he had been still there.
Her smile quickly faded as soon as she had said that. She hoped he wouldn't take it the wrong way. "Errr... I think I'll go put on a dry shirt now... It's getting a bit chilly." But still, she didn't move from her spot.
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