Who: Rita and anyone
Where: Garden
When: Sept 18, mid-morning
What: Rita writes, and thinks, and wants something to do.
Rating: TBA
Status: Incomplete
After the previous two weeks of hard physical work and hard mental work, it felt strange to have nothing specific to do again )
Comments 23
And now they had to wear their new room mate's clothes the rest of the week. Pansy had not been happy when she had seen what kind of clothes she would be wearing. Potter had to be colourblind, she grimaced.
Rita looked up, startled by the sudden appearance of someone else and slightly irritated with herself for being caught thinking allowed. But she wasn't about to show that.
"Anxious to leave, are you?" she asked, peering at Pansy over the top of her glasses. "Nothing stopping any of us from doing that whenever we like. I suppose there's a bit of a difference between giving up and being thrown out, though, isn't there?"
She toyed with the end of the quill. "What kind of household do you normally wake up in, in the morning?"
"Planning on using it in an article?" Tilting her head, Pansy observed the older witch, her eyes narrowed in suspicion. "My household is quite different from this one, certainly. Just like any upperclass pureblooded household, I assume."
Rita watched the girl grow suspicious and couldn't help but laugh. "I suppose I could, couldn't I? Pureblood Brats And How They Cope With Humility. But no, that wasn't what I was getting at."
She considered, looking around the garden. "I suppose the more appropriate question would have been do you live at home. With your parents and an army of house elves and the like. But you've answered that anyway. Different, but people around nonetheless. This is... stranger for me, but interesting all the same. Usually the only breakfast company I have is a copy of the Prophet and my owl, although the minute I step outside I'm in the thick of it. This is like... a reversal. Completely isolated, but everyone's insideShe shook her head with a small smile. "It will be strange to go back to the other, I think. Not bad, but... odd. Bloody ridiculous to miss this sort of place, but I think I will ( ... )
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