May 27, 2009 21:47
So... um... hi.
Yeah, I'm back. How long has it been? I'd guess it's been about three-ish years on my end.
My apprentice was fine. Things are... getting heated up back home. Damn World Tree picked a hell of a time to grab me. Could have been worse -- a week earlier would have been worse.
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Can you fill me in? I've been trying to read the backlog, but it's going to take me a while.
Most recently the majority of the Digital world...or at least the highly populated areas are on high alert for the monster Gluttony and a homicidal maniac named Barry The Chopper. They ruthlessly murdered a Tamer a..and Gluttony...
Ate her.
Thank you Phascomon. *Cough* A-as well as that...the young man named Kevin Levin that M.A.G.I was trying to help free from his stone prison appeared to have...well freed himself so that's good.
An incredibly large portion of the population were Data frozen but that seems to be slowly but surely fixing itself.
Right...err...along with that, there is a dangerous criminal known as Negaduck running rampant in Sanctity and he hospitalized a Tamer named Mion.
Let's see...Joker and Owlman are still at large...
Dats did something big in the dark area...I haven't paid attention to them much.
B-basically it's been business as usual, more and more crime and danger.
Doesn't rain but it pours.
[Attached: Tiffany's collected Data on Gluttony and Barry...which is more or less just what's been shared with the public.]
T-this may help sir...please stay safe.
Shame your first name seems to be Not-at-all.
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