May 21, 2011 22:56
It happened again today, twice.
I was at the Dallas Comic Con, and two separate individuals thought I was a female.
One was a woman about my age (27). I was buying imitation lightsabers, thinking they might be fun to dance with. A woman came up and stood next to me. When I went to pay for mine, the male clerk asked if I was paying for us both together. The woman next to me said, "Oh, haha, no -- I know everyone tends to think two hot girls standing next to one another are a couple. But, we aren't." I smiled at the woman next to me, amused, shrugged, and payed for my merchandise.
The second time, I was asking how much the Monster energy drinks were at a snack vendor. The clerk (an older Asian woman maybe 15 years my senior), replied with, "$5 ma'am." I didn't buy one -- that price is kind of an insult to my sensibilities. I smiled, thanked the woman, and left.
Usually, men mistake me for a woman. What's unique here, is that two woman thought that today, and also one of them was my age. Women, and especially women my age, usually think I'm male.
I know I have very feminine mannerisms. Also, all through being a teenager and much of my early twenties I had much less muscle definition, and looked a lot more androgynous. These days, I look in the mirror and generally think 'male', which I sometimes think sucks because I'd prefer androgyny. (For the simple reason that I feel like a combination of both genders, more than I feel I identify with strictly one or the other.) And now, especially, I've started to notice my hairline's been receding slowly on one side for the last two years (which I have confirmed with photos from this period, though many people around me are telling me 'it's all in my head' LoL). All of this makes me feel it quite, quite curious when people think me a woman. It's entertaining, amusing, a bit flattering I might add (being that women are the 'fairer of the sexes'), and also bewildering. I've decided to document it here in my journal every time it happens, for at least a while. At the very least, making a study of it will let me see how frequently it happens, and give me something to chuckle about.