Feb 25, 2007 21:47
Today went by mostly uneventfully, aside from an incident with a co-worker that was rather annoying. I also ran into the store manager a few times, and he didn't have anything to say (except 'hey, can you take these boxes, please?' in regards to some cardboard cases for the trash), so I'm assuming that Wal-Mart has decided on a strategic retreat for the time being. I may be on the knife's edge of termination, but at least it doesn't seem to be about to happen for any non-random reason. Which is good - it gives me time to prepare for the still-very-likely termination. I figure that there's a good chance that if they ARE trying to force me out, this'll have given them a reason to pause for a month or so - and if not, then hopefully I can at least last until my tax refund arrives and replenishes my savings. Considering that, in theory, Wal-Mart could try to prevent me from receiving unemployment for up to five weeks or so, it'd be nice to not starve to death in the interim should that come up.
I've decided that it wouldn't really hurt to start organizing my various meanderings about Wal-Mart into some form of literature; if nothing else,Lulu.com does publication, and I'm sure I could find at least a fewpeople willing to purchase it if it were well edited, so why not?
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