1. Name: Kaisa
2. Previously stamped as: Padma Patil
3. Gender: Female
4. Sexual Preference: Heterosexual
5. What traits do you look for in a partner?: Loyal, caring, supportive, target-oriented.. is capable to collected conduct, has some sort of sense of humor and ability to restraint oneself.
6. What traits do you find annoying?: God's gift to women -attitude, blunt arrogance and inefficiency. I also utterly dread people with lack of self-control.. there just is situations where you have to be able to grit your teeth and vent it out later.
7. Describe your outlook on love: Love is as complicated and diverse as are the people with whom you seek to establish it with. I don't think I believe in love at first sight, neither I am sure about soulmates. Love seems to have lot to do with luck, in the terms of what kind of people you come across in your lifetime and at what point of your life you meet them. I just know that I need love. I appreciate solitude, but still I always need to know that there is the one person whom to come back to at the end of the day.
8. What traits/hobbies would you want to share with your partner?: Enough common interests to have things to talk about, mutual appreciation towards each other, willingness to go to places together and ability spend time at home, without having to always run around finding some different and new things to do.
9. Love or lust?: Lust only by itself, however wonderful and mind-blowing it may be, is shallow to me. At the end it just leaves an empty void, whereas love brings stability, security and comfort. If I had to choose, I'd say love, no doubt of that. But love at its best includes lust. Once you have it you may possibly say that you've found love - not just deep friendship for life.
10. Are you willing to accept a match that isn't your sexual preference?: I'd prefer men.
(about you)
11. Loud or Quiet: Quiet. Surely I am more talkative with people I know closely, but still I don't tend to make big number of myself.
12. Outgoing or Reserved: Reserved, definitely. It's the only way I've ever known really. Whenever I've tried to push myself to other kind of behavior I feel totally uneasy.
13. Aggressive or Passive: Passive. I haven't been in many situations that would have really required more aggressive approach, usually the passive one does eventually get me where I want. Surely the aggressive approach would be more effective, but passive works too.. Keep eyes open and watch for the opportunity.
14. Leader or Follower: Mheh, can I just lead myself? Nah, I am more follower than a leader in group action. But often so happens that I find myself being the "instructor", if there isn't anyone strongly leader orientated in the group.. Once I've gotten myself in a group situation I also want to see a job well done in the end.
15. Romantic or Unromantic: Romantic. It isn't something I need on everyday basis, but there are times when I get all warm and fuzzy. I am not a big fan of too immense expressions of love though.. those make me feel bit abashed.
16. Opinionated or Submissive: Submissive. I kinda see this in the same way as the aggressive/passive thing. I usually don't argue about anything. You know, I go along to get along. This though shouldn't be taken as if I wouldn't have opinions. I do, but my way of expressing those is more along the lines of conforming with others opinions and then suggestively prompting my own ones along the way. It usually gets me to satisfactory results.
17. Subjective or Objective: I am going to say subjective, because it is something I can't ever wholly shake off from myself.
(about your ideal partner)
18. Loud or Quiet: Louder than me, but I'd like it to stay along the lines of good taste.
19. Outgoing or Reserved: Well, from the between? I am enthralled by reserved people, because it feels really rewarding after getting close to that kind of person, and the relationship could, in a way, be more private from "outsiders". But I'd need him to be outgoing enough to be company for me, since he probably would be one of the few people in my social circle.
20. Aggressive or Passive: Aggressive. My own personality taken account I need more aggressive counterpart.
21. Leader or Follower: Leader, again to complete my own personality.
22. Romantic or Unromantic: Leaning to romantic. He has to be able to accept and respond to my cuddling needs.
23. Opinionated or Submissive: Opinionated, again welcome foil for my persona.. I want to be given the frames from which I can operate.
24. Subjective or Objective: Doesn't matter too much, though I'd welcome some subjectivity in him as well.
25. Anything else you would like to add that you think we should know when choosing your ideal match?: Nope.
I was rated just little while ago, so I'll give different patch of pictures this time around.
The latter one is definitely an example how innocent can go scary.