1. Name: Laura
2. Age (no one under 13, please): 20. Yeah, I know, old, right?
3. Location: Well, currently, Northampton Massachusetts for college. I originally hail from Detroit, Michigan, though. Stateside.
4a. Three positive adjectives to describe yourself: Witty, engaging, laid-back.
4b. Three negative adjectives to describe yourself: Tactless, insensitive, unemotional.
5. If you could live anywhere in the world for one year, where would you go, and why?: I'm actually working on studying abroad in Kyoto, Japan for a year, as we speak (type?). I've been studying Japanese for almost four years, and I'd like to make that last transition to fluency, finally. Plus, I'm absolutely facinated by Japanese culture, because it's very different than my native one.
6. Explain the significance/meaning/origin of your username: My first penname on was "Moxie." I tacked on "muse" because I couldn't just have "moxie" as the name, it was taken, and a muse is one of the Greek daughters of Zeus, providing inspiration in the arts and sciences. Useful for a writer, no?
7. What's your favourite holiday, and why?: I suppose the Christmas/Chanukah/Kwanzaa/Yultide/Atheist Children Get Presents Day season. Good food, I get to see my family (which doesn't happen often - they all live in the south of the United States, far from me), and, of course, atheist children get presents.
8. Favourite three books (besides Harry Potter): Sophie's World by Jostien Gaarder, Hitchhiker's Guide To the Galaxy (you can't expect me to pick just one), by Douglas Adams, Redwall by Brian Jaques.
9. What is or was your favourite and or best subject in school? Back in the High School days, easily English/Language Arts. Nowadays, anything political science related.
10. If you could ask JKR one question, what would it be? How in the world are you going to tie up all of the loose ends at the end of Half-Blood Prince in one book and not have it be a cop-out/twice as thick as War and Peace?
11. Which of the Harry Potter books thus far was your favourite, and why?: Half-Blood Prince. Maybe because I had been waiting for it for so long (I've mostly avoided the movies, I like keeping the characters in my headworld), but it also has a lot of Draco Malfoy in it. Not a push, I for some reason like him. Though I don't know why. Maybe because HPB made him more of a tragic figure than a jerk.
12. If you could have the power to perform one spell, and only one spell, absolutely flawlessly for the rest of your life, what would it be and why? Easily the apperation spell. Go anywhere you want at any time and not be at the mercy of planes and trains and automobiles?
13. What House do you honestly think you’d end up in, and why?: Probably Ravenclaw. Wit and learning and all that, you know, I love that stuff. I really do enjoy school.
14. Are you willing to accept cross-gendered votes/stamps?: Yes sirma'am!
15. Anything else we should know?: Hm... I play rugby, and love it. :) I am very, very, very loud. Not necessarily in the "screaming" way, but I have a resonant voice. When I speak at my normal tone, people can hear me across the house.
16. Please post at least three clear pictures of yourself: Well, this was easily the hardest part... I know the last one is a bit grainy, but it's the only body-shot I had...
Aww, my smiling face. :)
I was in Japan this past January, and got an oppurtunity to have a bunch of frowning old Japanese women force me into a kimono that clearly wasn't meant for somebody with my body shape. It was a lot of fun, actually.
Me about to kick the ball at rugby. Woot.