1. Name: Tatiana.
2. Age (no one under 13, please): 15.
3. Location: British Columbia, Canada.
4a. Three positive adjectives to describe yourself: Clever, bouncy, loving.
4b. Three negative adjectives to describe yourself: Procrastinator, unsure, bossy.
5. If you could live anywhere in the world for one year, where would you go, and why?: The UK. Because that's where Hogwarts is. ;) And because I just love it. The history, the culture, the people... everything.
6. Explain the significance/meaning/origin of your username: My name, Tatiana, means "fairy queen". 13 is my favourite number. And yo! They rhyme! ;P
7. What's your favourite holiday, and why?: I like Christmas. It's just such a happy time. I like seeing family and being all warm and fuzzy. I love the smells, and the colours, and everything. And I do love receiving presents! Hee hee.
8. Favourite three books (besides Harry Potter): "His Dark Materials" trilogy, "I Capture The Castle", "Lord of the Rings" trilogy.
9. What is or was your favourite and or best subject in school? I'm good at everything, but I think I like PE and social studies the best.
10. If you could ask JKR one question, what would it be? "Why did you think of Harry Potter, and not I?" She's genius! Er, I'm not sure really.
11. Which of the Harry Potter books thus far was your favourite, and why?: Hard question. I need to reread them. Maybe GoF. It was so... awesome. Lots of adventure, and tragedy, and... I can't really remember, but I think it was the best. I remember after reading it being all like 'OMG that was amazing!'
12. If you could have the power to perform one spell, and only one spell, absolutely flawlessly for the rest of your life, what would it be and why? Probably Accio. It would be awesome to be able to summon objects. Hm, and if not that, Apparate/Disapparate would be great. (Eep, more than one. :O)
13. What House do you honestly think you’d end up in, and why?: Of all the quizzes I've taken, I usually end up in Ravenclaw. I'm clever and everything. I sometimes get Gryffindor, which is also suitable, but I think Ravenclaw is the best choice for me.
14. Are you willing to accept cross-gendered votes/stamps?: Yes.
15. Anything else we should know?: Harry Potter is the best thing that has ever happened.
16. Please post at least three clear pictures of yourself: