February entry

Feb 20, 2007 19:44

Title - Carnival, Wizard Style
Author - blue_paris
Characters/Pairings - Hermione, Lavender, Draco, Harry, Ron
Word Count - 389
Warnings - none
Rating - PG

“Where are Ron and Harry?” Hermione asked blindly as she scornfully watched Draco examine the pastries sitting on a plate in front of him with fascination.

“I don’t know,” he replied, poking one and smiling in delight as the icing sugar flew off it.

“Draco, stop it,” Lavender snapped, grabbing his arm and pulling it away from the pastries.

“Why are we just sitting here, anyway?” Draco enquired. “There’s one party after another out there and we’re just sitting here drinking coffee and apparently eating these things.” He motioned to the pastries.

“We’re waiting for Harry and Ron,” Hermione snapped. The two of them had disappeared some fifteen minutes earlier, supposedly to find a bathroom.

“Why don’t we walk along the beach?” Lavender suggested. “They went that way anyway, we’re bound to run into them.”

Hermione frowned thoughtfully for a moment, then nodded. “All right,” she agreed.

They gathered their things and left the cafe, Draco looking mournfully at the abandoned pastries behind him. Lavender seemed to know where she was going, so she led the way to a brightly lit, crowded city square. Off to one side, a large number of people were dancing to music being blasted through huge speakers, and on the other side, there was a bar and several small stalls tossing out beads to the passersby.

They wandered around for a while, peering at the clusters of people for any sign of Harry or Ron. After waiting patiently outside the Portaloos for several minutes, they drifted over to the dance floor.

Draco, now completely oblivious to Hermione and Lavender, began dancing and waving the cup he had mysteriously acquired while hovering at the bar. “Feelin hot hot hot!” He sang eagerly, shaking his hips ridiculously. A brunette shimmied her way over to him and began dancing with him, laughing softly as he sloshed his drink down himself as he gazed at her.

“Oh… oh my,” Lavender said, gazing across the group of gyrating bodies. “What?” Hermione craned her neck, looking to where Lavender’s gaze was fixed in horror.

There, in the corner, Harry and Ron were flailing about wildly, twirling and dancing like complete nutters. They had a small audience, five or six girls dancing around them and adorning them with beads.

“Who let the dogs out?” Hermione muttered, grinning in spite of herself.

february, caribbean carnival

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