(no subject)

Jan 11, 2010 09:02

I am awesome.

My work is getting new floors today. It's sort of exciting. So we had to move everything into the kitchen and dish pit. Well, everyone else did. Since I'm just a wussy tiny thing I just did a bunch of everyone else's sidework. That was fine, I'd rather spray out towels and wash some dishes and take out some trash than move awkward heavy things.

Although, it looked weird in there without any tables or anything.

In that picture you can tell why the floor is being replaced. Next I believe we will be repainting, which I'm going to help with.

One of my nose studs fell out. I have the type of jewlery that has the top part that screws on so if you want different jewlery you just switch out the top. Well THAT somehow came off but I still had the part that goes inside my nose which I just turned upside down. But I lost that in the shower today so now I have to stay up until about noon so I can go buy a replacement. It is annoying and I am tired but this is better than having to get it repierced. And cheaper by about $50.

via ljapp

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