5 things thursday.

Sep 10, 2009 11:23

235.  Made it back to the gym for the second time this week.  Set the treadmill at Program=Random, Level 12/20, 28 minutes. 28 since that was the C25K run length that I was at when I quit in the spring. I did alright, only took a little walking break in the middle of the program after a particular steep spot.  But finished strong. Stretched afterward, and No Shin or Ankle pain. So I'm doing something right anyway.   Maybe next week, I'll try some running actually outside again.

236. I am falling behind on my 100 pushups/200 situp/200 squat (http://hundredpushups.com/) routines. I seem to have sor muscle right below a shoulder blade that doesn't want to get better. Probably because I keep lifting and carrying stuff everyday.   Oh well, I had some ice on it yestereday and it feels better today. We'll see what happens after I tote some heavy computer hardware to storage and back today. Also, a bit of a sore bicep on the other side when doing pushups. Maybe I should  go backwards for a week...

237. Getting the new TV hook up as a media center. Very nice not needing a DTV converter box, or a video source selector box, Or a stereo for normal boradcast sound for that matter.  The computer hookup (with the TV as the second monitor) is not quite complete, need a different cable, and looks like a new keyboard and mouse is in order. Try again for a wireless set with media controls and enough power to get across the room.  Looking forward to watchingmy first football game on it tonight.

238. Looks like we are day tripping "Saxon Summer" in Hubbard OH, this weeekend, then helping move raginscotsman and vixen_sun .

239.  Lots of big doins' down here on the North Shore, because of the game. I don't think I can realistically escape early, but I'd like to. The question on the very unfortunately scheduled Barony meeting has to be decided as well. The last time I went to one of these to play for dancing afterwards, the meeting was somethign like 90 minutes late. I have more than enough going on this week to not have the patience for that sort of nonsense.
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