Week 350 - 352 Actor & Capture Banners

Jul 02, 2014 11:52

If you're one of these Winners for the Actor & Capture Challenges of Week 350 to Week 352, come take your Banners :)

whiteroseofdark - aeris_eledhwen - potterpsycho

(the First Place was mine, so I left it out)

Congrats, please comment to tell me you saved your banner, and look if you have more in the entry.

aeris_eledhwen - purpleworld8 - magical_sid - larmay

Congrats, please comment to tell me you saved your banner, and look if you have more in the entry.

whiteroseofdark (2) - rhye - calrissian18

Congrats, please comment to tell me you saved your banner, and look if you have more in the entry.

calrissian18 (2) - xxwasurenaide - susanmarier

Congrats, please comment to tell me you saved your banner, and look if you have more in the entry.

magical_sid (2) - whiteroseofdark - purpleworld8

Congrats, please comment to tell me you saved your banner, and look if you have more in the entry.

purpleworld8 - haldir_lives13 - whiteroseofdark

(the First Place was mine, so I left it out)

Congrats, please comment to tell me you saved your banner, and look if you have more in the entry.


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