Mod Post // Application

Aug 16, 2011 18:52

Hi, my precious members. *waves* hitz_girl has decided to step down from her Deathly Hallows Duties, she was doing a great job, so many thanks to her! (I will take care of the Actors banners that has to be done)

The new "DEATHLY HALLOWS - Banner Maker" will have to :
1.) Make banners for the Actor challenge every week (or wait and post banners for 3-5 weeks at once) using the pretty userpic of THE CLOAK.
2.) Post nominations at hp_awards once every three weeks. (I would not mind doing it, if it seems to complicated to you)
(I will send you templates for all of this, it saves a lot of time to make your posts!)

What we need in a new banner maker is :
1.) Constansy. If you sign up for this then we expect you to do your best to be up to the challenge.
2.) Responsability. You have to keep track of your own duties. The best way to do that, is to look the "Previous Challenge Links" listed on the Sidebar, such as this post where I update what has been done, and it is easy to see what needs to be done.
3.) Banner Making or Large Graphics Experiencee is not mandatory (I never made any banners before I applied 4 years ago, so don't be shy!) but appreciated.
4.) Creativity. Something I think most of you have, but keep in mind you'll be forcefully making graphics every week. But you can of course use textures make by other people.

If you think you have those qualities and are up to the challenge, post your application to this post! Comments are screened. Feel free to ask any question :) All the "staff" gets V-Gifts from me once in a while, and they also got an userhead ;) I'll make you feel appreciated, seriously.

To make your application :
1.) Name/Nickname.
2.) Two or three example of banners (if you don't have any you can make them up).

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