Week 37: Challenges

Jan 10, 2006 06:20

Cap Submissions: 12
Base Submissions: 07
Text Submissions: 05
Hunt Submissions: 07
Special Submissions: 02

Please remember to read the rules for each challenge, because they vary depending on what they are and what they call for.

Weekly Capture Challenge

Being that the only caps we have of GoF are the ones from the trailers (unless it's an illegal copy of the movie), I'm trying to visit the older movies too. Still, this week we're visiting GoF and I tried to choose caps that haven't already been done to death.

Captures of the Week: Goblet of Fire

01] http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d95/silvertemp/Wizard2/6aedf563.jpg
02] http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d95/silvertemp/Wizard2/4a7e60c0.jpg
03] http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d95/silvertemp/Wizard2/6d613d3b.jpg
04] http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d95/silvertemp/Wizard2/028f6084.jpg

Rules of the School:
* You may use only the pictures found above.
* Words and Animation are allowed.
* Must be 100x100 and under 40k in gif, jpg or png format.
* Can be color or B&W.
* Must be posted under this topic by Monday @ midnight on January 16th, central time.
* You may submit 3 icons of whichever captures you want.
* Blending is allowed.
* Remember to include the URL and the SRC when posting.



Weekly Base Challenge: Cho

So she's utterly annoying in the book to the point where you want to shove her off a cliff. Let's give movie-Cho some love this week!

Base of the Week:

Rules of the House:

* Words and Animation are allowed.
* Must be 100x100 and under 40k in gif, jpg or png format.
* May be in color or black and white.
* Must be posted under this topic by Monday @ midnight on January 16th, central time (screening activated).
* You may submit only 1 icon.
* Remember to include the URL and the SRC when posting.

Text Challenge: Is that your wand ...

The quote of the week: "Is that your wand or are you just happy to see me?"

Rules of the House:

* You may use ANY picture you find, but it must be a scene/character from Harry Potter.
* Must be in character. No out of character actor pictures.
* Words and Animation are allowed.
* Must use at least 3 corresponding words from the lyric above.
* Must be 100x100 and under 40k in gif, jpg or png format.
* Can be color or B&W.
* Must be posted under this topic by Monday @ midnight on January 116th, central time (screening activated).
* You may submit 2 icons.
* Remember to include the URL and the SRC when posting.
* Include the URL of the base picture.



Scavenger Hunt Challenge: Book Art.

Hunt down any art from the Harry Potter books to use for your icon. This can include cover art or the art inside. No fan art. Can be from any country.

Rules of the House:

* You may use ANY picture you find, but it must be a picture of book art from HP.
* Words and Animation are allowed.
* Must be 100x100 and under 40k in gif, jpg or png format.
* Can be color or B&W.
* Must be posted under this topic by Monday @ midnight on January 16th, central time (screening activated).
* You may submit 1 icon.
* Remember to include the URL and the SRC when posting.
* Include the URL of the base picture.
* Try to keep all your challenge icons under ONE post.



Special Challenge: Community Header

This is an important one, guys, so I hope you all think very hard about participating. What I'm looking for is a 600w x 300h header to use for a new layout. It must have wizard_icontest it somewhere. The featured school of winter is Ravenclaw, so please keep your header themed that way.

Rules of the House:

* You may use any picture you find, but it must be focused on the Harry Potter movies/books and from Ravenclaw.
* Can be color or B&W.
* Must be posted under this topic by Monday @ midnight on January 16th, central time (screening activated).
* You may submit 1 icon.
* Remember to include the URL and the SRC when posting.


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