Please give a warm welcome to the new members of our small team...
beauty_untold and
beauty_untold will be taking the spot of Deputy Headmistress and will help
alexia_drake run this community.
farfadine will be taking
alfiri's duties as The Stone, Deathly Hallow in charge of the hunt/text banners.
As of today I am no longer Headmistress and Alexia will take care of all my duties. However I will remain as back up mod until these two girls get used to everything. Once they're settled I'll go back to being a regular member.
I want to thank you all for putting up with me for almost two years, you should be awarded for that! Haha. It has been a great deal of fun modding this community, especially trying to come up with new and more creative ideas every time. I will miss it. But I'm sure Alexia and Valerie will do a great job in keeping this place alive and taking it forward to better, more fun places. So make sure to not drive them crazy and, above all, have fun!
Don't forget we still need a replacement to do
alexia_drake's old duties as The Cloak.
So don't be affraid to leave your application! :D