MOD POST // Inactivity III + New Rules

Jun 16, 2008 13:03

We're still debating the results of our latest set of polls. But while we do I would like to ask you guys a couple things to be more certain to where you're heading.

Okay, first of all the results pretty much aimed at us using Option A & B. It was the most chosen combination and both double Option C in votes. So that's where we're more or less heading.

So first rule:

1.) As of today you will be allowed to enter two icons per individual challenge. That is, two icons per actor challenge, two per cap challenge, etc.

2.) This is the bit where we're still undecided. Most of you wanted to have less challenges, what I would like to know now is exactly how many and which ones. So here's what I hope will be our last poll.

Poll Challenges

Hopefully by next month we'll have this all sorted out for good! :D

mod post

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