Please excuse this interruption from your normal icon viewing:
Hey everyone! I'm trying to raise money for college, so I've been auctioning off a lot of my stuff. Want a wand, like the ones in Harry Potter? One of the items I have up for auction is a real Solitaire Collection wand from Alivan's Wandmakers!
Please check it out:
Alivan's Solitaire Collection Harry Potter Magic Wand All of these auctions will support my college fund. This is a wand that I won in a Sparkle on the Alivan's facebook page; unfortunately, I haven't had time to use it, and I won't be able to take it to college with me. It is a new & unused Solitaire Collection wand made of Rosewood and Cherry wood. It's a little over 15".
What's significant about the Solitaire Collection is that each wand is unique: only one is made of each kind. Therefore, the prices on the Alivan's site for such wands range from $60 to over $100. With this auction, you can get it for much cheaper ($20 is the current price)! Solitaire wands also have more magic power. :)
Anyway, that's all for now. Please offer your support if you can. My college costs $50,000 a year, so it would really help if you could contribute by bidding on or purchasing one of my items!
Once again, thanks to all of the great iconmakers who have been posting here and keeping the community alive!
your maintainer,