May 28, 2009 02:12
Allow me a brief rant, if you will.
Has anyone heard of what is being called the 50 Book Challenge?
It's the challenge put out by someone to read 50 books by the end of the year. It caught on and has become some sort of internet meme. The idea being that you keep track of the books you read and how far done you are with the 50 books. I have different friends doing this challenge. Most of them seem to be failing, since most are barely ten books in at nearly the halfway point of the year, but I give them points for trying. But I digress. My point is, this challenge is out there, and it's making some news waves on the ol' internet.
I originally decided I wasn't going to be part of this thing. Nevermind the fact that I could do that because I think I might have already. I didn't really feel like it. Then for a split second I changed my mind. Then I thought about what this thing actually is.
I have to commend the 50 Book Challenge. I am all about getting people to read. Ask me about books and I'll probably talk until someone shuts me up via knocking me unconscious about what people should be reading. It's a big hobby of mine. I fucking love reading and wish we all did a little more of it. Therefore I am behind whatever gets people to read.
That being said, this 50 Book thing is utter, total bullshit that angers me to such a degree that I am writing about it.
The reason for all the hate? It's simple, really; this 50 Book Challenge solves nothing. In fact, it probably makes the problem worse.
Consider this; by agreeing to do this challenge, YOU ARE FORCING PEOPLE TO READ. When was the last time that worked?
Understand that my fears are based on what I have seen. Whenever people are forced to read, they dislike reading. Consider the fact that by the end of the year a lot of people will be reading less for pleasure and more to make a quota because their friends are doing it. This didn't work in high school and it doesn't work now. Just ask my brothers, who I usually have to force to pick up a book by telling them about the "Awesome explosions" beyond the front cover. I got one brother hating the crap out of his English class because he didn't read the books he was forced too. If he, by some miracle, got involved with this 50 books thing he'd be hating the crap out of it come November. And at least the last five books he wouldn't even remember due the speed at which he finished.
This is my experience with most people, actually, but my brother is the best example.
Which leads to this challenge's biggest sin; it does not plan ahead. Say you get done with all 50 books. Most people will not want to pick up another book for a good long time. which is fine, I guess, except for the fact that it means people aren't going to be reading anymore. Hell most people will be sick of books and not want to even look at another one for a good long time. Congrats, you just trained a ton of people not to read for the next year. I hope whoever made this challenge is happy.
Think I'm wrong? Ask someone what they would do after reading 50 books. I doubt most would pick up number 51.
This challenge's main flaw is that it isn't solving anything. It wants to make people read but in the long run I'm afraid it will make people adverse to it. I have yet to see proof otherwise. Furthermore the challenge will actually make you feel good after you complete the 50 books (if you do) nevermind the fact you might not read again for another two years. In short, I don't see this plan getting people to read AT ALL. Which is its goal. And that's a very serious problem.
It does not make you a better person if you read 50 books. Hell, a lot of people would argue reading won't make you better at anything anyway, but that's another story.
You know what I think makes you a better person? Continuing to read over time. Reading every year. Sticking with reading. Reading on a regular basis. That sort of thing. This plan does not make people do this.
I propose an alternative challenge.
Make people read 25 books, on average, a year. For a certain number of years.
First of all the books will be more spaced out so the reading will be more enjoyable. You will not cram to get the number done nearly as much. Furthermore, if you read more books one year (say 30) you can read less the next year (say 20) and still come up with an average...and seemingly rewarding the person who read more with less "work." Finally, this allows a person to read year after year and get into an actual grove. Tell them to keep track of each book, just like the 50 book challenge. Then after the years are up, challenge a person to keep doing it.
I'm not saying any of this will work, but I'm saying that a prolonged plan with less stress is always better than a plan with no foresight and a lot of stress.
I think it makes more sense.
Look I'll start.
Books finished so far (from what I remember):
It's Superman! (simply amazing)
Event (meh)
The Graveyard Book (one of the best books ever? Maaaaaybe)
M is for Magic (more Gaiman!)
Legend (more meh)
Seven Deadly Wonders (retarded but incredibly fun)
Lamb: The Gospel of Biff (pretty awesome)
What Just Happened? (fun little thing)
Adventures in the Screen Trade (William Goldman strikes again)
Generation Kill (eye opening and a must read)
Turn Coat (more Dresden is NEVER a bad thing)
From Reel to Deal (and I read it all to educate myself on my movie too)
The Book of Joe (name jokes aside, it's emotional and very funny)
Slam (eh, Nick Hornby can do better)
I think there are a few more but I can't remember, so until I remember they won't count.
These are the books I'm reading currently (at the same time. No really. I'm sort of weird.):
The Atrocity Archives
Shantaram (it's fucking massive!)
Dreamsongs (also fucking massive!)
Don't ask how I read stuff like that at the same time, I just do.
Books I plan on reading:
The Glass Castle
The Road
Anything with the word "Tameraire" in it that might be released before the end of the year
Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency (Douglas Adams we miss you)
That's 24 planned or done so far. And there will be more.
So get reading already.