first reaction - that comic was pretty good. Then I thought about it a bunch.
The public does not ask the armed forces to "defend their rights", if killing people and losing our own overseas can be called that. I think the comic would be in much better taste if it was a veteran from a specific event on our own soil like pearl harbor.
Even then, hawaii wasn't a state at the time, and the only reason it could be considered 'our soil' is because we kept our weapons on it. 9/11 was definitely 'an attack' although terrorism is an interesting enemy, especially with all the conspiracy theories - firemen criticizing the lack of investigation done on explosives and what not. It is difficult for a child to understand the 'war on terror'.
There are many children that don't understand the concept of serving for the country and those are likely the same ones that don't understand the pledge. So this comic doesn't target them, although the ones that already do understand the issue get a laugh out of it at the others' expense.
In that sense I feel it is in bad taste, and not something that will help the issue, and may even hurt it.
The only real way to get people to stand for the pledge is to make them proud to be American. This is not done by making them feel guilty for injuries of people doing things they didn't condone. I'm proud to be american, but this kind of attitude is part of the reason why I'm not as proud as I could be.
It would be more apt to show perhaps a famous Jew that was crippled during a concentration camp that made it to the us, using a similar analogy, only talking about how his rights were taken away at a young age instead of given to him like in the US.
I messaged someone that posted it, and he said it wasn't meant to help the issue, just condemn those who aren't standing.
We cannot condemn children. They hardly know why they are or aren't standing. And all the comic does is have an negative attitude towards them instead of a nurturing educational one.
It's like slapping your kid for burning his hand on the oven...