Sadness. :(

Aug 11, 2008 16:47

Prayers requested for my friend, Yvonne.

I got an E-mail last week from Peter, the husband of my friend, Yvonne. Yvonne and I met in Junior High and were friends all through High School even though she left the public school we attended and went to a Catholic high school instead. Of all of my friends from high school, Yvonne is the one with whom I've kept the most contact, although admittedly that isn't saying much. I'm really bad about that sort of thing. :/

But I have always loved Yvonne. When she came home from California to attend her class reunion, became reacquainted with the guy upon whom she had a massive crush in high school and ended up marrying him, I was thrilled. For a while there, we got together every week to scrapbook, from her wedding up until their first daughter, Elizabeth, was born, about a year or so after Noah and a few months before Susie. Around then, we moved to our new house and I dropped Creative Memories, which cut off our main excuse for getting together, and we just sort of fell out of touch.

Peter came home from Iraq a couple of years ago, and he and Yvonne bought a house here in St. Charles, practically walking distance (if I were feeling ambitious) from us. They had baby #2, Abigail, shortly after, and Pete went back to Iraq as a civilian to work on defensive systems on tanks. The stress of the separation proved to be pretty tough, though, so they cut his stint there short. He came home and has been looking for a job ever since, but apparently he's had little luck. As of last month, the decision was made to sell their house and go back to renting, because the mortgage was more than they could handle. :( Thus, they've been busy packing up and moving things around to prepare to put their house on the market.

Meanwhile, Yvonne was surprised to discover that she was carrying baby #3. Her body had not entirely recovered from Abigail, so she hadn't realized she was even pregnant until a couple of weeks ago. They went in for an ultrasound last week to determine how far along the baby is, and in the process learned that the baby has something called a 'hygroma' -- a cyst in the spinal region. Peter E-mailed friend and family, and we were on the list, so this got me out of my social rut and I called Yvonne right away.

They went in last week to have a test done that would shed more light on the cause of this, and today the results came back, revealing that the baby suffers from Trisomy 13. :( Odds that the baby will survive are slim, and if she (the results also indicated that the baby is a girl) does, she'll suffer from serious physical and mental abnormalities.


So... you know.. pray for Peter and Yvonne. :( Elizabeth is here today, playing with Susie while Yvonne and Peter have their carpets steam-cleaned. I guess there's a chance Peter could land a job with the same company that sent him to Iraq, but the position is in New Mexico. :/
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