I feel so light!
I kicked serious butt today. (I'd say 'ass', but my comment in response to
Nyghtewynd's blog and anonymous poster apparently shocked some of my fanbase, and I didn't even actually cuss! So... far be it for me to offend tender eyes with the baser side of the English language. ;) I shall remain chaste and use the word 'butt'.)
Anyway, just look at all of the stuff I accomplished today:
1. I finished reading "Rascal" (by Sterling North) to my kids. We've been stuck in November for about two weeks now, because I've not had time to finish it with them. Today I did.
2. I went into town and picked up Noah's birth certificate, which I needed for his MoVIP enrollment.
3. I dropped off the cushions of my glider rocker at my Mom's house, along with the half-bolt of upholstery cloth I'd purchased to use in re-covering them. We're moving it into our bedroom now that Luke's nearly past the rocking stage entirely, and I want it to match. Mom's agreed to help me.
4. I dropped off Andy's defunct Picture Frame Keychain at the post office to be mailed back to Amazon.com. (Oh, that reminds me... well, I'll get into that later.)
5. I stopped at the credit union to withdraw the money I needed to set up my business bank account for CWD.
6. I stopped at my business bank to set up the new checking account for CWD. My kids were miraculously well behaved for most of this process, even though it took awhile. I was glad the teller gave the kids suckers as rewards when we left.
7. I went to NMB's house to drop off my hours for May.
Now I'm feeding the kids, and as I do this I plan to run down and print off everything else Noah needs submitted for his MoVIP application. Then I'll go to the UPS store and fax it all away. And with that, I'll have sent all of the big monkeys on my back off to get around on their own steam. GO ME!
Oh, and regarding the post office... Those closest to me know I have a deathly fear of the post office. I avoid it like the plague. This is not due to any great trauma that has ever occurred there, but rather the fact that our local post office is very small and woefully inconvenient. Mailing a package always involves a wait of about 20 minutes, which isn't the end of the world if you're there as a sole adult person waiting to mail something, but is a wildly different situation when you're there as a mother with four small children waiting to mail something. The prospect of standing for twenty minutes with a package tucked under one arm, a heavy toddler tucked under the other, and three more under-tens banging into other patrons, trying to swing from the line-divider ropes, and otherwise earning disapproving glances from everyone else in the tiny place, just isn't appealing. Therefore: I avoid going to the post office if I POSSIBLY can.
BUT! The last time I went, I saw that they had added something miraculous and new. A self-service package center!!!!!! You walk up, touch the screen, it charges your credit card and prints off your postage. HOW BRILLIANT IS THAT?! Of course, my community being what it is, most of them walk right by it.. But that's good for me, because it means I can simply 'excuse me' through the line, do what I need to do, and I'm out, kids and all. Even better, the manual package drop is this very kid-enticing big round drum of a trap-door in the wall, and the kids think it's FABULOUS fun to drop the packages into it.
So.. I might just get
Skeenic's Birthday present in the mail to her soon!
(Her birthday was in April.)