Copied and pasted from Myspace

May 06, 2006 01:48

My first blog, woohoo. I have a livejournal and though I don't get to it as often as I'd like, I try to keep my posts there. Simply because first and foremost, livejournal was my first... There have been so many times that it's use kept my head above water when I didn't feel like I might.. A piece of me has grown up through my livejournal.

I think this weekend can live down as one of the worst in a long, loooooong time. I've been to urgent care once, the emergency room once, the laundromat for five hours, my car has been broken into (and both my speakers and stereo stolen) and two kids have barfed on me... Tommorow I work and I think it's a relief.

My roommates are all gone right now *or sleeping*. My dogs are asleep on my freshly laundered bedding, the house is clean except a vacuum job in the morning, and my cats are up terrorizing the place. I'm not used to the house being this quiet. Since Chris and Kevin began staying here it seems like everyday is a small piece of madness, not in a negative sense neccesarily but things are for certain busier when more people are home.

I'm not sure what to think of this new/old found peace that has settled over the place, I spent the first five hours or so of it just cleaning things up. My room is looking better, the floors have had a good old fashioned on the hands and knees scrub, the cobwebs removed from various places throughout the house, the counters cleaned, the toilets scrubbed. My face is debreeded of all pimples, My cats claws are trimmed. I have alot more corners to empty of clutter but things do look better already.

Now it's almost time for me to go to bed. Except the dogs and maybe a cat, my bed is empty, there are no dirty socks on the floor to pick up, no one's boxers kicked perfectly behind the bathroom door to wash, my phone isn't ringing off the hook (or ringing at all it seems), No one is wandering in to take the computer from me, I'm not having to ask for someone to get off the phone so that I can call my Mom simply because I need to feel like someone wants to talk to me, My friends boyfriend took the trash out since there's no one to ask to take it out (and wait until tommorow to remind before it actually goes out) so I'm really not sure what to do with myself. I think I'm a little lonely. I may just end up missing Chris during this week. I know I miss him and Kevin right this minute if only because I have not a soul who can speak english back to me.

So it seems that even when we're all mad at each other. When I'm sick and tired of asking for someone to do something household wise, when money's so tight you just don't know where the next bill will come from, when there's 350 plus pounds of someone or something passed out cold in your bed, it won't budge and it's sprawled from one side of the bed to the other, you are the one who has to work in the morning bright and early, your tired, your irritated, and your ready to scream, there is a silver lining to that cloud. Someday soon this quietness will be a regular part of life again, when both the guys have found their own places, when they have to do their own laundry, and when my hampers are only empty when I open them up to start the washer, I can look back and know that life really is ONLY what you make of it... The life I have today isn't the life I had yesterday, the life I have tommorow most undoubtedly will not be exactly what I have right this minute. *Normal* evolves, that's for certain.

I think it's time I climb into my somewhat vacant bed, concentrate on sleeping and little less on should, would, coulda, and didn't. I'm missing a great deal of people right now, the feeling comes and goes. Even when I'm talking to some of these people be it on the phone or in person, I'm missing them just the same. Strange how emotions are... Hmm. On that note. Goodnight and if you made it this far, congratulations and welcome to the randomness that could be Livie......
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