Thursday, April 15th - FIRED.

Apr 15, 2010 15:36

sunday: 10:00 am (still unslept) - get the phone call that my tio eddy died.
monday: bones is meowing constantly, take her to the vet to double check that everything really is fine. it is. they take a stool sample, it comes back clean of worms.
wednesday night: get to sleep finally after playing with a very hyper miss bones, she passes out snuggled at our feet, very happy and purring.
thursday morning (six hours later): miss bones can't stand, she's barely breathing, and there's blood in her stool.

my kitten is probably going to die and there's nothing i can do about it. my family is in a whole lot of pain over a thousand miles away and there's nothing i can do about it.

my birthday party at the very least was fun and full of debauchery until my mood was abruptly killed by that early-morning phone call from my mom down in puerto rico. i'll write about that when i feel less like hell.

forgive my e.e. cummings lack of capitalization sans style, i just can't be arsed. today is fired, furthermore, so is this week, and so help me god if twenty three continues to follow this trend this year is going to be fired.

at six thirty we have to pick bones up from the vet and transfer her to kingston road animal hospital. here's hoping she's improves twenty more percents, and then twenty more after that, and so on until she's healthy and running down the hall to catch up with me again because that silly kitten always wants to be in the same room as me, if not on my head.

there is no feeling in the world i hate more than being helpless. i just wish there was someone i could yell at, or something i could hit that would make any of this better.

and i haven't even started thinking about paying for her vet bills.
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