Dec 20, 2005 15:30
Let's see well it is winter break! (Which I absolute lurrrrrrrrrve)
No school, No Ms.McPherson, No homework, awww I loves it. So on Friday
was the dance and that was pretty good. I always love dances. Got ready
@ Laurens w/ Niki and Amanda. Dance was pretty fun..i guess. Went back
to Lauren's and had sleepover and stayed up till' about 3-3:30. Pigged
out on Jello and Cookie Dough.How healthy! Lol. Then the next morn I
had to wake up at like 8:30 cause my mom was picking me up and whiskin
me off to Target. Shopped till' I dropped, literally. Then came home
and hung out for about an hour then off to Talia's bday party. It was
soooooooooo fun. We went to Johnny Rockets (this really cool burger
place where they have like jukeboxes where you put in like the nickel
and they play the song, its so cool. We danced around with our balloons
like loons. Ohh rhymey) Then we went outside in the rain and started
dancing on the streets. Lol. Then off to Ghiradelli Square. Yumm. 8
scoops of icecream with probably about 1000 different topping and we
all shared it. We almost ate all of it! We got cool Ghirdelli hats but
I looked retarded in it so that was sad. Anyways- then went back to
Tals house and partaaaaaayed. Actually I mostly hung out with Dani and
Niki in the bathroom. Ahahahaha. It was so much better than dancing
around like skanks in Talia's room. Dude, Talia's older bro is
fiiiiiiiiiine. Lol. We then all got back together and talked about
raping and sex. Lol. Then just hung out more (went on computer, talked,
danced a little) Niki and I kept on "prank calling' everyone at the
party (Niki had her cell and she blocked her #) We would just call one
of the girl's cells and then just hide Niki's cell under the pillow. It
was so funny. Talia started getting so mad she was like "WHOEVER IS
CALLING STOP! IT IS SO STUPID!" (ahhaha, then she thought it was Jordan
so she called Jordan and was like 'JORDAN STOP CALLING US!") and then
Dylan started meowing like a cat when we called her. Lol. Stayed up
till' like 3-3:30. (Bad idea) Woke up at 10-ish and we talked a
lil mor then had breakfast. (Sausage and Donuts) It was fereakaleaking
POURING! Amanda and I ran down to her house to get changed for vball at
around 11. Ugh. Vball sucked so much butt. I mean the playing was fine
and all but then we had conditioning with konrad! (Conditioning is
pretty much non stop working out- im talkin' ladders, sprinting,
lunges, jumproping, pushups, all this ouchey-wawa crap) I couldnt
breathe at one point and i was like gasping for air and i saw all these
white spots and it was terrible. I had to even sit out on one of the
drills. After that I went home and the power was out. It was terrible.
Nothing to do, I EVEN READ (yah, i was thaaaaaat bored) Finally around
5 the power came back on (thanks the lord i was about to chew my arm
off!!!!) Then on Monday (yesterday) I did nothing all day until around
3 when i went out and got magazines for my trip to NY, oh yes and I
also got a really cute purple spaghetti strap with a fatty line of
purple sequins going down the center. Then today I also did
nothing..hoping someone would call me, text me, email me, IM me, send a
postcard to me, SOMETHING asking if I wanted to chillax wit 'dem..but
NO. Oh yes , I was also pissed when I found out that my sis is getting
an ipod nano for xmas! Dude, she doesnt even listen to music, and if
so, she listens to like 3 songs max. I'm probably gonna get like gift
cards and socks or something and she is getting a nano and she might
get this big fatso asso Bratz Dolls Bus Hippie thing. 'Cept WOOTY
WOOOOOOOO I'm going to NY the day after tomorrow! YEEE! Oh Emm Frikin
Gee- it is almost 2006 babaay.
Tata for now (actually ill probably do a survey lataz)
Luvvs 4 ever,