Nov 24, 2006 11:39
Well, since the Broncos lost to the Chiefs last night 19-10, we can all pretty much kiss the playoffs goodbye. But, I suppose since Jake Plummer is supposedly out of a job, it will provide an excellent opportunity to put in Cutler at QB. Oh, and thanks a lot stupid defense, receivers, and running backs for sucking as well. I had to tape Grey's since I was watching the game, but really, at least I only wasted about half my time because I got to fastforward through the commercials.
Let me just say that first of all, if this were any kind of respectable soap, the viewers would already know that Addison is pregnant as the writers are dropping all kinds of hints about the girl not telling the father about her baby because he's an asshole and then having Addison talking shit about Mark. It makes it more dramatic that way, Geniuses. And Addie and Karev? Disgusting and idiotic on so many levels. She won't sleep with Mark essentially because he's bad for her, but she'll do Alex despite the fact that he's an intern? and a carbon copy of the man she's trying to ignore she had feelings for? Really? Again, if this were a real soap, it would be clear that she attracted Alex because #1)he is exactly like Mark without all the Derek/affair baggage and #2)he's younger and she's his boss, so she would have control of the relationship unlike her messy relationship with Mark where she loses control because he's kind of a force, and she can't resist her attraction to him. But that would be if this were a real soap. I'm sure none of those things will ever come up, and it will be just about sex. Which is stupid.
As for Cristina and Burke, I wish I could say I was surprised and befuddled that I could be so bored and yet so infuriated by a storyline, but after the never ending Sonny/Carly debacle on General Hospital, I'm not. But the fact that Cristina and Burke remind of such things does not bode well for this show. Burke is an asshole through and through, and now, I absolutely loathe him. He's acting like this whole thing was Cristina's fault when he was just as involved and just as complicit. He blames everyone else for "not noticing" he wasn't better, but ignores the fact that he never had the balls to just stand up and say so. Really, you're Preston Burke, and you're letting some intern run your life and make your decisions? SHUT UP. Then, he constantly brings up Cristina's commitment issues, again ignoring his own shortcomings in the relationship--namely that it's essentially his way or no way. And when Cristina disagrees with him about anything (say, living together after you've been dating for like, six weeks) it's because SHE has commitment issues not because he's pushing too hard or moving too fast or just plain wrong and whiny. Can he just die now?
Izzie is a moron. You're a woman, hun; you're supposed to have that sixth sense about unspoken feelings and thoughts that guys don't have. You're supposed to have enough common sense to realize that men don't go home and tell their moms that they had sex with their roommate and that she cried through the whole thing. Or that their current whatever-Callie-is-for-this-five-seconds slept with someone else who's more interesting and better looking than they are. But you're apparently lacking common sense on many levels(::cough:: Denny), so I shouldn't be so surprised, right?
I think George was about the only one with justifiable actions and feelings last night. Well done.
As for Derek and Meredith, you're still boring, but last night, for about 3 seconds, I was hopelessly in love with McDreamy. That is until I realized he was actually just taking his guilt about not seeing Burke's problem out on Meredith, not that he was actually angry with her for helping Cristina and Burke hide it in the first place--risking not only her career and possibly Derek's reputation, but DOZENS OF LIVES. Am I the only one on the planet who seems to have a problem with choosing your "best friend" of six months over not only your career, but basic human decency and people's lives? For the love of God, If I'm ever in Seattle and I get sick, in any way, do not, I repeat DO NOT let the ambulance take me to Seattle Grace. I'd probably be better off getting a textbook from the library and doing the surgery myself. At least then I know the person operating actually has SAVING MY LIFE at the top of their priority list.
I can't even decide whether the Broncos or Grey's should get to be the icon for this post because they both suck so much. So, I guess, I pick Statler and Waldorf because their biting commentary seems rather appropriate.
grey's anatomy,