Because it's been a long time since I've done one of these: a picture heavy post.
Yesterday Mike and I woke up at ~8AM and spent the entire day making use of his Mom's art supplies over at the compound. Until he fell asleep and I spent the evening doing art with/making pipe cleaner creatures with/making cookies with Ty's little one, Allison. Allison is a wee badass.
Anyway, pictars! (beware: they're HUGE because ... I like it that way...)
Door to Ted's room... it's so edgy, no?
Allison and I made Mike into a princess, shortly after he fell asleep forever (no really, he has yet to awaken).
For Ted's 21st birthday, we made him this frat paddle.
Non-sepia fishies.
Cool, no?
Paint brush anyone?
I don't know? Allison and I painted an abstract piece of art. Eat your heart out, Pollock.
No really, your heart? Eat it out, Pollock.
It looked like a mouth...
Not for all the tea in Mother Russia
A mask, oh the things Mike's mom has in her house...
Another angle on the lamp shingles :)
Crop circlllessss
Alli was camera-shy at first, but she got into it...
And grew a bubble beard...
And attacked Mike...
And is pretty much the most adorable thing since sliced bread.
Live action splooooge.