It's been in the mid to high 50s and sunny all day here, not that I've been outside much. I woke up this morning with the white cat expressing yowling surprise that there was actually a person in my room, so of course I patted the blankets next to me and went back to sleep. We were comfortably curled that way for a couple hours. The girl cat still hasn't realized that I'm sleeping here, or I'd be woken up in the middle of the night by purring headbutts to the face. They're both incredibly mistreated. I had a dream that Nicholas was programmed and at least temporarily part cybernetic, then he got his ass handed to him by a couple common criminals when he stumbled onto a crime scene. He called Robert to fetch everyone else, but they were unlikely to get there before more bad things happened to the mage. Fortunately he switched to wolf form and no longer failed quite so hard at combat. Why he didn't light some people on fire isn't entirely clear, though now that I think about it he's been pretty good about his policy to only light undead on fire. I'd completely forgotten about that policy... I'll have to check the episodes to see if he's actually managed to be consistent.
Meanwhile it's seemed somehow relevant to me today that I'm wearing my most comfortable jeans, which are my only pants of unknown origin, and my favorite Zelda shirt. That plus tea plus cinnamon honey butter toast equals a significant amount of comfort. I've also resurrected my addiction to mints. Every few years I buy a pack of mints, usually spearmint or wintergreen, and pop them like candy for anywhere between a week and a month. This time it's tic tacs, apparently. It shouldn't be quite so much fun to click them against my teeth. Oh well. Almost done filing taxes, and will be spending the night after the Family Gathering finalizing a resume. Character generation stuff will likely happen during said Gathering, after the appropriate amount of hugs and "How's school going?" questions. I hope my cousin made her casserole.
Oh! Hey, something vaguely relevant. I'm apparently going to Florida with my family in late May for my cousin's wedding. This means that where I'll be when in May is a little up in the air, and all I know for certain is that my 21st birthday will be mostly spent on planes. (Which disappoints my sister, but supposedly she's working with my cousin to make plans that would let me hang out with them the week before that. We'll see how that goes. My cousins generally conclude every family event with a trip to a bar.) This is actually less relevant than I'd expected... Oh well. It's important for
saathiray and anyone who plans to live with me in May or June.