Now I can't be comfortable around birds ever again. I hope you know that.

Mar 03, 2009 14:14

I have weird dreams when I'm sick. Really, lots of things are weird about being sick. Constantly feeling cold enough to shiver while also feeling wrapped in a sheen of warmth, for one. And it carries with it a peculiar exhaustion that destroys my mental capacity. Normally I have to multitask to be able to concentrate on anything, doodling in class, watching television while writing papers... I have to be slightly distracted in order to focus. When I'm sick, all that I get is the brain power for the slight distraction. Two steps forward in plans is about as far as I can go, and sci fi channel marathons represent the optimum level of intelligence for me for a while. Oh, sci fi channel marathons. My head might feel like play-doh, but I can still daze along with the whacked out adventures of John Crichton.  Or watch simple archetypes attempt to catch murderously inaccurate monsters.

But back to the dreams, last night there were phone calls to people I haven't spoken to in years, waterproof cities existing between the high and low tide, blue whales, and fetch with dolphins. Then a slightly more serial dream about young child geniuses in some sort of school or research facility. They were learning to use strange abilities, and seemed like one big family, though the one I followed was beginning to doubt that the fire that killed his family was an accident. There were intelligent cows, a circular island with two semi-circular city halves that end at the shores and don't connect. That caused serious logistical annoyances. Later on, the children were older, more strange abilities were had by all, and the one I followed played peace maker a time or two. Doves and birds and bling and edible rat creatures and practical jokes end in strange mobs.  Not my best series of sick-dreams, but interesting.  Oh! And Barney (NPH, not the dinosaur) playing rather mean and risque jokes on people.

I've woken up and eaten food now, I should try to get some stuff done while I'm home all day.

sick, scifi channel marathons, dreams

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